Our Mission is to Provide Quality, Affordable Healthcare to All Americans

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Wellness & Well-Being
Assessment Today!

We look forward to providing you a free assessment for your company and outlining how our telehealth services can benefit your employees.

Antidote Health
1460 Broadway St New York, NY 10036

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A world in which every human being has access to affordable quality healthcare regardless of race, location, or circumstance


We’re fighting to make healthcare more affordable and easier to access for underserved communities and individuals.

Join us in bringing care for all.

We’re fighting to make healthcare more affordable and easier to access for underserved communities and individuals.

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People and Technology

Our ability to combine state of the art technology with great human experience is the result of a solid technological foundation comprised of state of the art technology and decades of emergency care experience.

Quality everyday health care is a basic human right & should be accessible to all

We strive everyday, in everything we do, to live up to our mission to provide the best health care possible to all Americans at affordable prices. Anywhere, at any time.