Things a Primary or Urgent Care Visit with an Antidote Clinician Can Help With

From UTIs to COVID-19 symptoms, read the list of symptoms and conditions Antidote Health’s certified clinicians can help you with

Things a Primary or Urgent Care Visit with an Antidote Clinician Can Help With
Reviewed by Dr. David Zlotnick, Chief Medical Officer at Antidote Health

We all feel off sometimes. We don’t always know when or what, if it’s going to be a sore throat or back pain, UTIs or a toothache, but we know that at some point something will not work properly. It’s the predictable unpredictability of life. Unless it’s an acute emergency, most of us will probably try to power through and only then contact primary or urgent care. (Because who wants to face the unpredictable expenses of a doctor’s visit?). 

Our mission at Antidote Health is to provide the highest level of healthcare conveniently and affordably. We work tirelessly to expand our reach and broaden the list of services we provide, in order to create viable solutions to the flaws in the current healthcare system in the U.S. Antidote is your one-stop digital medical center, providing access to top-tier healthcare plans. Our services ensure that patients can receive excellent care with the assurance of comprehensive health coverage, eliminating unexpected bills, and without any hidden fees. All of this can be conveniently accessed from the comfort of your home.

Antidote Health’s certified clinicians will diagnose, build a treatment plan, and guide you through your medical conditions. So, what do we treat? This growing guide details some of the symptoms and conditions Antidote Health’s certified clinicians can help you with: 

Colds and Flu:

They are both contagious, both share some similar symptoms, and both are categorized as respiratory illnesses – yet they are not the same. They differ in how symptoms appear, in the symptoms themselves, and in their potential to worsen. 

Symptoms like fever, chills, muscular aches, headaches, weakness, and heavy cough are more common to the flu. Sneezing, sore throat, and stuffy nose are more common in a cold. For the most part, even when symptoms are overlapping (chills, fatigue, and coughs can appear in both) cold symptoms are milder than flu symptoms. Flu symptoms tend to appear more abruptly, while colds are characterized by a more general deterioration. 

Perhaps the biggest difference between the two is their potential for health complications. Colds usually don’t result in health complications. The flu, on the other hand, is much likelier to escalate and cause complications. If you’ve been feeling off and have been experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, reach out to primary or urgent care. 

Upset Stomach and Diarrhea

Some stomachs, like a rowdy teenager, are really easy to upset. And just like a teenager, stomachs tend to calm down on their own. They just need time. 

Upset stomach usually occurs due to inflammation caused by germs. It can lead to abdominal cramping, feeling nauseous and tired, chills, and vomiting and diarrhea. For most people and in most cases, upset stomach and diarrhea are not considered serious illnesses and don’t call for medical attention, as long as you get some rest and stay hydrated. The greatest concerns regarding diarrhea are dehydration and malnutrition. Those make diarrhea one of the leading causes of death among children in the world (especially in the developing world).

You don’t have to wait for symptoms to worsen to seek professional help. Our clinicians can provide relief as soon as symptoms appear. Definitely reach out to a doctor when upset stomach and diarrhea appear in infants, elderly people, and the immunocompromised, are accompanied by fever, or are persistent and frequent. If you recently traveled somewhere and you’ve been having diarrhea, ask a medical professional about travelers’ diarrhea


Do you even remember the world before COVID-19? This respiratory illness arrived in the U.S. at the beginning of 2020, two months before it was declared a pandemic, and possibly changed our lives forever. 

Every other day someone online declares that the pandemic is over. But the truth is that every day there are thousands of new confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S., ranging from asymptomatic to severe. If you’ve been exposed to a person diagnosed with the coronavirus, or have been having symptoms like fever, cough and shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle pain and headaches, and loss of taste or smell, please reach out to a medical professional as soon as possible. 

Get diagnosed (and rule out other conditions, such as pneumonia), receive the treatment you need, and take an active role in fighting this ongoing pandemic. 


That burning sensation, the frequency and urgency of going to the bathroom, urinary tract infections are hard to miss. 

UTIs are extremely common, especially among females (up to 30 times more than males). They usually start in the bladder, but they can affect every part of our urinary system (bladder, urethra, ureters, and even the kidneys). And they are commonly believed to be treatable with cranberry juice (there might be some truth to that!). 

It is recommended to see a clinician as soon as symptoms appear. That is particularly true if you have a fever (or any other flu-like symptoms) or see blood in your urine, as those might suggest a greater problem.

Sore Throat

Many reasons can lead to difficulties swallowing, and to the irritating dry and scratchy feeling of a sore throat. Some cases of a sore throat are mundane and mild, and can be caused by seasonal allergies and secondhand smoke. Other cases, caused by viruses and the bacteria group A Streptococcus (which causes strep throat), might suggest a more serious upper respiratory tract illness. 

If your sore throat starts very quickly and doesn’t get better within a few days, reach out to an Antidote Health clinician for a diagnosis. While some cases of sore throat will go away on their own, others will only deteriorate. In the case of strep throat, you might be prescribed an antibiotic. 

Dental Pain

Dental pain is a broad term that includes a lot of different conditions and symptoms that can really worsen our daily lives. It can be caused by many different factors, from dental decay to an infection. While we can’t spare you from visiting the dentist, in case of infection Antidote Health’s primary or urgent clinicians can prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication to soothe the infection before you go through a dental procedure.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

You exchange looks, and numbers, and texts, and eventually, when you’re ready – you exchange germs. We are sorry to ruin the romance, but it’s time to repeat some facts about STIs that you probably ignored in sex-ed:

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are both umbrella terms that describe infections that get passed through sexual contact. STIs are categorized into curable and incurable conditions, they get passed through vaginal, anal, and even oral sex, and they are extremely common.

It is estimated that each year there are 374 million new infections with one of the four curable types of STI: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis. Many of the people carrying the bacteria are asymptomatic, which means that they might go on to infect others without knowing it. 

Treatment of STIs varies by type and severity of the condition. The best way to deal with STIs is to stay safe. That includes using protection when having sex, getting vaccinated, and getting tested regularly to make sure you’re not spreading bacteria. Whether you suspect that you’re carrying an STI or you want to get a periodic check-up, Antidote Health’s certified-clinicians are available to help you. 

Yeast Infections

Vaginal candidiasis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, and candidal vaginitis, are all different names for the same infection caused by yeast called Candida. Yeast is a type of fungus that lives inside and on our bodies in peace and harmony. When things like hormones or certain medicine change the conditions inside a vagina, yeast can grow and cause an infection. 

This condition is extremely common. In fact, most females will experience that sore or itchy feeling, the pain and discomfort when passing urine, and the vaginal discharge linked to yeast infections at least once in their lifetime. While usually harmless, an untreated yeast infection can raise the risk of getting different STIs (even though yeast infections are not considered to be an STI) and lead to pregnancy-related problems. Contacting a medical professional is the only way to diagnose yeast infections, on the way to a speedy recovery.


Food enters our body through our mouth and is broken down in our digestive system into smaller and smaller components. Some get absorbed and some are passed on. Passing stools is central to keeping us alive. But how often should we go? Well, the number of visits to the toilet changes from one person to the other. Constipation is relative to whatever that normal state is. 

Constipation is a symptom, not a disease. It can be caused by eating a diet that is high in fats and low in fiber, not drinking enough water and not exercising. Those can be treated with simple lifestyle changes. But constipation can be caused by more severe problems, such as stroke, diabetes, thyroid disease and blocked intestines. If you’ve been feeling constipated, with fewer bowel movements than usual and hard stools, if you see blood in your stool, if constipation is accompanied with serious stomach pains, and if you’ve been losing weight without trying, contact a medical professional. 

Sinus Infections

Sinuses are air-filled, hollow spaces in the bone, located behind our forehead, nose, cheeks and eyes. They’re connected to the nose by narrow tubes, which allow regular airflow from the nose to the sinuses and mucous to drain. When the area is infected and inflamed, usually due to viruses, sinus openings can be blocked, causing fluid to build up in the sinuses. This translates to a runny or stuffy nose, headaches and facial pain, sore throat, cough, and more. 

When sinus infections are caused by a virus, they are usually uncomfortable but harmless and will disappear on their own. But if the infection is caused by bacteria, a prescription is needed. If your symptoms are severe, include fever, get worse after improving, or last more than 10 days without improving, reach out to a clinician to receive a diagnosis and treatment plan. 

Skin Conditions (Rashes/Eczema)

From acne to eczema, from hives to diaper rash in babies, we’ve all experienced some sort of skin condition in our lives. There is a wide range of skin conditions: skin infections, such as cellulitis and skin abscess, occur when bacteria infect either the skin or tissue beneath it. Acne is caused by clogged hair follicles under the skin. Rashes are a symptom of a bunch of diseases and conditions, including eczema and different allergies. 

Some skin conditions are long-term and others will disappear on their own. Skin conditions are notorious for being a teenager’s worst nightmare, but sometimes they can be more severe than that. For example, the bacteria that causes cellulitis may become life-threatening if left untreated. Contact a clinician if your skin condition is spreading or getting worse. 


Allergies might be the biggest family of medical conditions out there. All allergies are caused by a reaction of the immune system to a foreign substance (called allergen). Being such a big family, allergies differ in many ways: there are skin, food, drug, latex, and insect allergies, among others. Some are seasonal and other permanent, some are very mild and others deadly, and they can be triggered by something you eat, inhale, inject, or touch. 

Allergies affect more than 50 million Americans every year. Each person reacts differently to allergens, and sometimes a person will react to an allergen differently than he did before. Symptoms of allergies, as well as treatment, depend on the type of condition. If you think you or a loved one might have any type of allergy, contact a clinician right away. 

Back Pain

It happens to the best of us. You make a move that you’ve made a million times before – like picking something up – but this time you threw out your back and you’re out until further notice. Back pain is a very common medical problem that can be caused by a variety of reasons, including accidents, lifting something heavy, or even gradually with changes that occur to our spine as we get older. 

Treatment differs depending on the cause of pain. In and of itself, back pain is not a disease, but a symptom that can be caused by anything from a sprain or ruptured disc to kidney stones. Don’t hesitate to contact Antidote Health’s certified clinicians for evaluation. When needed, our clinicians can prescribe you with anti-inflammatory medication. 

Insect Bites 

Did you know that the deadliest animal on the planet is the mosquito? These little flying insects are deadlier than snakes and scorpions combined! 

While that fact is terrifying, most insect bites are pretty harmless and their related symptoms, such as red and swollen skin, will get better within a couple of hours or days. There are two concerns regarding a bug bite or sting: first, there is a risk of the bitten area getting infected and causing an allergic reaction. Second, the insect might have transmitted a parasite into the person who was bitten, causing illnesses such as malaria. 

Reach out to your clinician if symptoms don’t improve within a few days, if you were bitten around the mouth, throat, or eyes, if the area is painful, swelling, or red, or if you’ve been having fever and other flu-like symptoms. 

Acid Reflux 

Food that we eat makes its way to the stomach through a tube called the esophagus. A muscle in the bottom of the esophagus relaxes when we eat, opening the gate to our stomach, where the food breaks down using acid. The same muscle closes the pathway so that food and acid won’t come back up. Different reasons can cause that muscle to work inappropriately, failing to prevent the acid from traveling in the opposite direction. That is called Acid Reflux, and it usually leads to heartburn and regurgitation. Common ways to treat the condition include lifestyle changes and medications. Lifestyle changes often include losing weight, elevating your head during sleep, avoiding eating before bed, and quitting smoking. There are also plenty of reflux over-the-counter meds out there. If those don’t seem to improve the situation or if you have any concerns regarding over-the-counter drugs, contact a clinician.

In some cases, people think that they’re experiencing acid reflux symptoms when in fact they are facing a cardiac condition. Although heartburn has nothing to do with your heart, a painful sensation in the center of the chest might be a symptom of acid reflux or a heart attack. It’s very hard to differentiate between the two without the help of a medical professional. Reach out to a certified clinician as soon as you feel the sensation, especially if accompanied by sweating or shortness of breath. 

Pink Eye 

Why does this person have teabags on their eyes?! It must be pink eye! 

This unproved method has become a popular way to reduce the visual symptoms of pink eye, including swelling and redness in the eyelid and white part of the eye. Other symptoms include itchy and watery eyes, discharge from the eyes that might make it difficult for you to open them in the morning, and in some cases blurry vision and sensitivity to light. 

Pink eye, also called conjunctivitis, is a contagious condition that can affect anyone. It is caused by a virus (viral conjunctivitis), bacteria (bacterial conjunctivitis), or an allergic reaction (allergic conjunctivitis). Viral cases of pink eye will get better on their own within 7 to 14 days. You should contact a certified clinician if symptoms don’t improve in a reasonable time, if you feel pain in your eye or if it is very red, if there is mucus coming from your eyes, or if you recently injured your eye. 

If bacteria cause pink eye, antibiotics may be prescribed, usually as eye drops or ointments. Pink eye can also be caused by allergens, including pollen and animal dander. In this case, allergy medications and eye drops may be given to improve symptoms and relieve discomfort. 

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a serious medical condition linked to heart disease and stroke, two leading causes of death in the U.S. It affects one in every two adults in the United States. People with high blood pressure often don’t have symptoms, which is why many don't even know they have it (hence the name “silent killer”). 

The only way to know if you have hypertension is to get your blood pressure checked. Hypertension occurs when the force of blood against your artery walls is too high. A healthy blood pressure reading is below 120/80 mmHg. If your reading is consistently above that, you have high blood pressure.

High blood pressure is associated with increasing age – and for a reason - but risk factors also include eating too much salt and drinking too much coffee, smoking and not exercising enough, and lack of sleep… You know, being a 21st-century professional. Luckily, Antidote Heath is now offering quality hypertension care that is suited to your fast-paced lifestyle. Read about our hypertension clinic right here.

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